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Top 12 Reasons for Divorce and Why Marriages Fail


Top 12 Reasons for Divorce and Why Marriages Fail

What causes so many divorces? Get an overview of the 12 most common reasons for marriages to fail and learn how an attorney can help you even if you are not ready to get a divorce yet.

What Are the Top 12 Reasons for Marriages to Fail?

From communication breakdowns to addiction, abuse, or infidelity, various factors can affect a relationship’s health and result in irreconcilable differences. Here are some of the most frequent reasons for marriages to fail:

1) Communication Issues

Effective communication is the backbone of a healthy relationship; when it fails, the foundation starts to crumble. Poor communication can manifest in various ways. It may happen if a couple constantly talks over each other, fails to listen attentively, or ignores each other’s needs and concerns.

2) Infidelity

Infidelity can happen because one partner feels like they need to seek attention and validation elsewhere. Other times, the cheating partner may be seeking an escape from marital problems. Either way, cheating can cause a breach of trust between spouses that can be difficult to overcome.

3) Money Problems

When partners disagree on how to handle finances, they can begin to feel a lack of trust. Money problems can arise from various situations, such as job loss, overspending, or gambling addiction.

4) Different Priorities

Different priorities can lead to feelings of neglect and resentment. One partner may feel disregarded or pushed aside. This can create a significant imbalance in the relationship, as one partner may feel like they are always making sacrifices for the other.

5) Constant Fighting and Arguments

Couples may fail to communicate effectively, resulting in arguments. Constant fighting and arguments may be due to deeper issues, such as trust or mental health concerns. When these problems are left unresolved, they can contribute to the deterioration of the relationship.

6) Lack of Intimacy

When couples don’t spend enough time together or don’t show affection towards one another, it can lead to negative feelings. Over time, if they don’t work on reconnecting, it can lead to a breakdown in the relationship.

7) Emotional Neglect

Emotional neglect often stems from a lack of communication. Couples may become so focused on the demands of everyday life that they forget to nurture their emotional bond. They may fail to express their needs and desires, leaving their partner feeling neglected and unimportant.

8) Addiction

Addiction can drastically alter the dynamics of a marriage, as the addicted individual may prioritize their addiction over their spouse and family. Trust issues are often magnified, as the addicted partner may lie, steal, or become unreliable to feed their addiction.

9) Growing Apart

Couples may grow apart due to their priorities in life having changed or due to lack of communication. They may feel disconnected and unfulfilled. They may stop sharing their feelings and no longer have a common goal to work towards. This can lead to resentment, anger and result in a divorce.

10) In-Laws and Family Conflicts

In-law problems are notorious for causing distress in marriages. When a spouse feels like their partner is choosing their family over them, it can cause deep resentment. Different backgrounds, values, and beliefs can make it difficult for both families to get along.

11) Mental Health Issues

Mental health issues can often manifest in various ways. That includes mood swings, depression, irritability, and a lack of motivation, creating a strain on communication and affecting the couple’s emotional connection.

12) Abuse

Physical abuse includes hitting, pushing, or throwing things at the other person. Emotional abuse, however, can take many forms, including name-calling, belittling, gaslighting, and isolating the other person from their family and friends. It may be hard to end an abusive relationship, but for victims, divorce is almost always the right choice.

What Should I Do if I Am Not Sure I Want a Divorce?

If you are experiencing marital issues but still believe your marriage may be worth saving, you have several options that could help you or simply give you time to clear your mind and make the right decision. For example, you may want to invest in therapy or marriage counseling to try to work things out with your spouse.

You may also get a legal separation. That way, you can move out and have separate lives, but remain legally married. If you decide to reconcile, the legal separation can end and your marriage resumes. Otherwise, you may initiate a divorce.

What Happens Once I Decide to Get a Divorce?

Most divorces involve some level of negotiation to decide important aspects. Both parties can agree on how they will handle key issues such as asset division or child support, or a judge may make those decisions on their behalf if they cannot agree.

It is always preferable to work things out with the other spouse to avoid an expensive divorce battle and settle matters on your own terms. When that is not possible, you may need to seek a litigated divorce with the help of an attorney.

When Should I Speak to a Divorce Attorney?

Whether you are thinking about getting a divorce, legal separation or simply want to ask questions to help you decide your next step, you can always reach out to a divorce attorney for answers. At Hepner Pagan LLP, our legal team is happy to assist you and explain your options. Contact us at 408-688-9153.

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